Sunday, April 12, 2009

This gelato was pretty darn you can tell from our countinences. I was still in mourning because I just woke up and Jimbo was working on his Top Gun pose. The best gelato resides in non-turisty places, according to K-tizle. So this was a slight step south but it was still so suculent.

This is another famous naked dude. Apparently Italians love these guys because they litter the countryside. I didn't understand the configuration but it looked like the big white guy is enjoying a horse ride with some of his smaller, greener, peeps. All in all it's pretty majestic. Jimi is saying how bad he feels for the big guy...probably because he's so poor he can't afford clothes. That's why people throw coins into the fountain!
This is a famous man of letters. Dante! He lived here and wrote here. He has the sickest hat. Anyway, the deal with this guy is he was all after this one chick but she wasn't about him so he had a rough life...explains why he wrote about hell so vividly.

This guy was cool. Didn't talk much though. I thought he was tight because he wore orange all the time. Plus he loves the Phantom of the Opera too! Jimi didn't like him as much as Ted Bundy but whatever. Ted was hard to top. I was about to sneeze or something. He must use lavander shampoo...

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