Monday, September 15, 2008

My first creation in la cuccina! (kitchen)

Here it is!!!! I made this all by myself! its a special ricotta cheese that I formed with fresh fragolas (strawberries) on a stick around it! you can see Ricco in the white chef vest behind me. He gives second orders if Gianni is not around! Also notice the glass sliding doors behind me (up) ....that's my bed room etc. Oh, 1 more thing! look to the left on the table at the plate with the black long rolls....I learned how to make Italian Sushi! its called Maki con persico e salmone! (fresh green algi, white fish called persico and good ole' salmon)

1 comment:

Chris said...

We are reading your blog and love all your photos! We think of you a lot and are happy you are settling in well. Love, Aunt Chris and Uncle Lee