Sunday, October 12, 2008

Home made Gellato

the last pics for day #1 class
We made Gellato (icecream) but it was way too hard to tell you how...Ide rather buy it on my block corner ....its the best gelato I've had in Italy, called DeMarco's Gellato! the Coconut is my fav :) Reed, your gonna love it! How does every night sound!? :)


Anonymous said...

Every time I look at your pictures I get soooo hungry.
That little kid is sleeping on you! That's adorable! Just wait until you have your own sleeping beauty in your arms ;o)

454235 said...

Ha! your trippin! I'll be gettin' a pug way before I have my own kids! lol! but it is a beautiful feeling when you have a baby sleeping in your arms...fully trusting you....I love this part of my job! miss you Hana + mom! :)