Betty is Lorain's 82' car from London! She took me for a ride in it and its just awsome! No power steering, and manual! What a ride! Paolo say's its for sale but that's a lie :) And that's the lovely Lorain cutting fresh bread to go with Paolo's Pasta dish he is about to cook!
"Carbonanara" in frying pan brown bacon, minced garlic & chopped parsley. In seperate bowl mix eggs (for amount crack 1 egg per person eating) with grated pamasan cheese until thickish. Add hot bacon mixture in with egg mix and stir well. Boil Penne pasta (with ridges on pasta to help adsorb sauce flavor more) mix Hot pasta in with bacon/egg bowl and serve with sprinkle of chopped fresh parsley on top of Carbonanara. Fabolous! Dad, that's a 1932 R.Royce with Paolo & Lorain after they got married! And pls. meet "Betty" Lorain's pride and joy! She runs so smooth still at 26 yrs. old!
Okay...I don't think they are real but it sure was scary to walk in here! Reed I thought of you in this cave! So this is the end of my delightful trip to San Gimignano! Thank you Paolo and Lorain! I loved it so!
I had to get some good shots in this nearly 100 yr. old dress that belonged to my mom's mom's mom! That's Lorain and I in line for the bath room that costs 0.50 euro to use! Welcome to Italy!
Paolo knows how looking at dead stuffed animals makes me ill so I think that's why he insisted for me to check out this store! You can find him under that beautiful arch made of stone :)
Could it be? I find it odd because every gelato place I've eaten at says their's is the best in the world! Who's telling the truth ? I had Mango and coconut and it was the best so far....hummmm :)
Paolo and Lorain took me to the most beautiful little city today called San Gimignano (near Siena)This area produces the famous Chiante wine and the best olive oil in the world! Notice Paolo's lovely new purse!
So this is what we do after we finish cooking each it and chit chat! that's one of the sweats we made! "Zabaione al moscato gratinato" We lit the sugar on fire with this torch in the pic. to harden the top! so so good! I ate like 3! (there were 2 extras!) :)
oh...I almost fell off my bike when I passed this sign to sell "you know what" can you believe that its just out in the public to see when passing this street? I don't get it because its a crime to smoke in Italy. Hummmm
I caught finally caught him! that's the top chef/teacher, Gianni! then you'll see the last steps to garnishing my fav. soup! yes, that's a zucchine flower that we fried in flower and put on the top for deco. and to eat!
You'll also see "Sformatino di porri con besciamella al pecorino di pienza" with a small branch of dill on top for decoration! Yummy!
That's my kitchen! Look how well it cleans up :) can see most of the female students in my class! very nice ladies..I just wish I could speak more Italian! We are making my favorite soup called: "Crema di zucchine con spuma di ricotta" you've never lived until you've tried this! :)
Paolo, Lorain and I all went for a drink or two at a local Prato pub. I really don't know what I would do if I did not have their friendship in Italy. I feel so loved and welcome here now that I've met them. Love you guys! :)
All the food and sweets (including the rose cake) were made by Margherita and her husband! they love to cook and are so creative! You should see how well he carves designs into fruit and veggies!
Hello! I am currently living in Prato Italy, a "little" city, pop. 1/2 mill. very near the ancent city of Florence. This time away from family and friends is difficult but I also know that God has me here for a reason. I hope this blog will keep the people I love updated on my adventures. Please feel free to leave comments or pass it on to someone who may be interested.