Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yet another famous naked dude. I think he's named Dave. He needed a bath but so do most Europeans...or you could just bathe in perfume.

This was me checking out the sweet view of the cemetery and testing my spidy skills...simultaneously. The kids in the background are afraid for my life but it's no big deal. Plus we all know I'm training to be a cage fighter.

Here we are on a bridge. My sis and bro were freakin' out about how cool it was but as long as it's stable I'm good. In the background is this famous bridge with houses and jewelry stores on it. It's called Pointe Vechio. The water was pretty dirty and KT and the chick taking the pic said we couldn't go in. Otherwise we could have added some sweet body shots. Too bad.

I like this pic because KT's hair looks great. That's all that really matters...

I guess I was feeling shy in this pick but man do I look good from the back! Jimbini actually had just gotten in a wild brawl with some street peddlers who wanted his jacket which is why he is clutching it so tightly. This also explains his look. Actually, I have no idea what that look is trying to convey but that water sure is placid.


Laurie Schafer Marino said...

So Sammy (Roy) is our comic writer, too funny and cool? Really enjoyed the pictures and assume you'll have more and maybe a few from your Easter dinner.

454235 said...

Hi Aunt Laurie! Yes, I'm working on adding more pictures of the rest of our adventure in Italy plus our Easter in Denver! love you! Katie